Тhe first exams for the Star Team are behind!
30 August 2022

On August 26, some finalists of Star Team Yakutia’s first season flew to Istanbul, Turkey, to take their international exams.

On August 27, they took the SAT exam and then they took the IELTS on August 28.

The SAT is an academic assessment test for admission to U.S. universities, a kind of analogue of the Russian Unified State Exam.

IELTS is an international system of English language assessment. The exam allows to determine the level of English proficiency of people whose native language is not English. It is required for admission to schools, colleges, and universities that teach in English and is considered one of the weightiest because it was developed by the British Council, the University of Cambridge, and IDP, the Australian educational organization.

According to Anastasia Ammosova, the program director, the mood was combative: «The youngsters took two exams in a row, which, of course, is a lot of work, not counting the long flights from Yakutsk. We did preparations every free minute: at the airport, on the plane, while waiting for the exams to start. We hope for good results.» 

After having all the tests, the youngsters were on a tour of the city, and today they’re flying home.

The results of the exams will be announced within two weeks. And in October, the finalists of first season of Star Team Yakutia will take the second round of exams.