Halfway to the dream: Star Team members have begun sending early applications to American colleges!
1 November 2022

Now that the most crucial stage, passing the SAT and IELTS exams, is behind them, the first season of Star Team Yakutia finalists have begun sending early applications for admission to US colleges. 

The majority of the top colleges in America provide the early admission option. This means that foreign candidates may enroll several months earlier than the regular applicants. This gives one time to get ready for relocating abroad, obtain a visa, etc. We should note here that colleges use different early admission schemes; these are Early Action and Early Decision. The two are fairly different, each having distinct advantages.

Early Action means that the candidate is free to submit applications to a number of colleges before making their choice from the list of those that are ready to accept them.

Early Decision colleges only allow a candidate to submit one application. The candidate cannot enroll anywhere else if they are approved, so such an offer can’t be declined. If the candidate is adamant about enrolling at a certain college, it is better for them to apply under this program. The likelihood of acceptance improves for the candidate if they choose this scheme. 

Usually, Early Action and Early Decision applications must be submitted by the same date, which is typically November 1 for most colleges.  

Employers all across the globe rate American education highly, and 24 of the top 100 colleges and universities in the world are in the USA, according to the 2022 ranking. The majority of American colleges prefer the Early Decision system. However, some of the most esteemed institutions, including Harvard, accept applications under the Early Action scheme.

Top colleges in the USA

  • California Institute of Technology. Caltech is a relatively small institution with many accomplishments and a solid scientific foundation. It closely collaborates with NASA. The research at Caltech is concentrated in the fields of engineering and natural science. 
  • Harvard University. One of the world’s most renowned and esteemed colleges. The oldest institution in the USA, with eight American presidents and many other notable individuals among its graduates. 
  • Stanford University. One of the top research universities in the world, it is situated in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Founders of companies like Hewlett-Packard, Google, Tesla, and others are Stanford alumni. 
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The university and research facility known as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is located in the Boston suburbs. This innovative college produced many founders of hi-tech companies and several Nobel Prize winners. 
  • Yale University. One of the USA’s most esteemed colleges. Along with Harvard and Princeton, it is one of the Big Three Ivy League universities. It is characterized by exceptionally high training standards. 

Check the website of our partners, Crimson Education, for a comprehensive guide on how early application to US colleges works In an article dedicated to this topic, experts present comparative data on successful enrollments in addition to a thorough analysis of all the benefits and drawbacks.

One of the most thrilling parts of the application process is waiting for the college’s response. Let’s wish the members of our Star Team success, as well as confidence and patience. It’s all going to work out!