Peculiarities and differences of undergraduate degrees in Russia and abroad

There is no universally accepted undergraduate system in the world. Undergraduate studies may vary even within one country. Nevertheless, it is possible to trace the main features of studying in Russia and abroad.

Program Length

An undergraduate program can last from 3 to 6 years. In many countries (e.g. USA, Canada, CIS and China) it takes 4 years, in European universities — 3 years.

Flexibility of study

In some countries (especially in the U.S.), the undergraduate degree is tailored to the individual, allowing them to choose a variety of subjects and create an individual program. Russian universities have a rigid program structure with a list of required subjects.

Language Requirements

Undergraduate study abroad involves learning in a foreign language. In order to study successfully, students must have a good command of it. The most common language is English.

General and Specialized Subjects

In some countries, there is an early emphasis on specialization and less on general education. Russian universities often leave more room for general subjects, especially at the beginning of studies, and specialization may begin toward the end of the course.

Research activity

Undergraduate programs abroad may emphasize research and project work from the very beginning. In Russian universities this is more typical for postgraduate programs.

International Environment

Undergraduate study abroad can provide a more international environment with students from different countries, promoting a variety of cultural and educational experiences.