Hubert Humphrey Scholarship of the University of Minnesota

The Sawiris Foundation for Social Development announces a new round of the fully funded Yuri Loza-Sawiris Fellowship program for applicants to the graduate program at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota.

Application Deadline:

  • December 15, 2023: Deadline for University of Minnesota and Humphrey School Distinguished Aid Scholarships;
  • January 15, 2023: Humphrey School Meritorious Aid Application Deadline.

Full list of directions

The US
Language of instruction
Type of support
The scholarship fully covers the cost of training, living expenses, travel and medical insurance.
Study direction
Program duration
2 years
Courses offered
Technical Specialties
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Art and Design
Business and Management
Economics and Finance
Requirements and document preparation
Required Application Materials
  • Copy of a passport page
  • CV
  • All bachelor’s and master’s transcripts (if available)
  • HR letter from current employer, including salary/payslip, or bank notice in case of unemployment
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Document on the inability to finance training from one’s own funds
  • Previous courses in mathematics, statistics and economics are recommended
Current Education Documents
  • A copy of the certificate and report card
  • Minimum high school GPA of 4.90 (on a 5.00 scale)
Language Proficiency Test

TOEFL iBT 100 or pBT 600, IELTS 7.0

Entrance exams

Graduate Record Exam (GRE). No specific score required.

Additional Information

Complete instructions for applicants to the University of Minnesota. Application requirements may vary depending on the program selected. Check application deadlines (may vary depending on program selected).

Please review the requirements for your chosen program before applying. Programs that require certain materials may not consider your application for admission until they receive those materials.

More information about University of Minnesota financial aid 

Enrollment application
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Sign up for the program, gather your application documents and send them to our experts.

We will scrutinize your materials and make recommendations to help you improve your work and increase your chances of enrollment.

Sign up
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University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
The university was founded in 1851 and is known for its famous alumni. Its alumni and researchers have received 26 Nobel Prizes and 3 Pulitzer Prizes, and its student population ranks 9th in the United States with 54,000 students.
333 Robert H. Bruininks Hall, 222 Pleasant St. S.E., Minneapolis MN 55455On map