Cornell University Financial Aid Program

Provides need-based financial aid to admitted international students who have applied for financial aid and demonstrated financial need.

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The US
Language of instruction
Type of support
Study direction
Program duration
4 ears
Courses offered
Architecture and Construction
Art and Design
Business and Management
Technical Specialties
Requirements and document preparation
Required Application Materials
  • Essay no more than 650 words
  • CSS questionnaire
Current Education Documents

Report card for the last 3 school years

Language Proficiency Test

TOEFL IBT at least 100 or IELTS at least 7.0

Entrance exams

Arts, Science and Engineering: You must take two SAT subjects of your choice, but for engineering, math is required. 

Depending on your college or major, you may be required to take SAT subject tests. SAT subject tests are not required for all other majors.

Enrollment application
1 Step

Sign up for the program, gather your application documents and send them to our experts.

We will scrutinize your materials and make recommendations to help you improve your work and increase your chances of enrollment.

Sign up
2 Step
Apply online through Common App. There is an $80 fee to submit your application.
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Cornell University
Cornell University was founded in 1865. Like the philosophy of the time, the idea was to create an educational institution where any student could find any course he wanted to study. Although it is a private Ivy League university, it has a public mission in partnership with the State University of New York.
144 East Ave., Ithaca, New York 14850On map