IELTS Writing preparation

This section tests the student’s ability to write in English. The student is expected to show their ability to write and express thoughts in English, as well as vocabulary, imagination and use of grammar. Therefore, the tasks must be written correctly in terms of grammar, style, semantics and punctuation.

The writing consists of two parts. It is recommended that students allow 20 minutes for the first part and 40 minutes for the second.

Writing Task 1 150 words A description of a graph, table, chart or diagram. It is important to note that this is not an essay, just a brief description.
Writing Task 2 250 words An essay on a given topic.
Writing Task 2 types

Opinion essay

The student has to show how far they agree/disagree with the viewpoint presented.

Discussion essay

The student has to describe two opposing viewpoints on the issue presented.

Advantage/Disadvantage essay

The student has to evaluate the positive and negative sides of the situation presented.

Solution essay

The student has to write about what they believe is the most correct solution to the question presented.

Direct Question essay

The student has to answer a specific question on a topic presented in the task.



Writing assessment criteria
  • Task Achievement — how full your answer is;
  • Cohesion/Coherence — how logical and coherent it is;
  • Lexical Resource — your range of vocabulary;
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

The grade for Task 2 is 66% of the total grade for the Writing section, making it more important than the grade for Task 1.