Peculiarities of admission and study at universities in the US

American education is recognized and highly valued all over the world. US universities are well-equipped with scientific and technical laboratories, graduates find good jobs, and many famous scientists are on the faculty.

It can be difficult for international students to study in the US, but universities do everything possible to provide a comfortable learning experience.

Admission Process

Admission to American educational institutions usually involves application, submission of academic records, passing standardized tests (SAT, TOEFL, IELTS), letters of motivation, and recommendations. Competition is fierce, especially at prestigious universities.

Program Diversity

The United States offers a wide variety of educational programs and institutions. International students can choose from universities, colleges, technical schools, and other types of institutions, as well as a variety of majors and fields of study.

Tuition financing

The cost of tuition in the United States can be very high, and many families begin saving for tuition as soon as a child is born. Students from Russia should be prepared to find financial resources to help pay for their studies. This may include scholarships, grants, on-campus jobs, and student loan options.

Flexible curriculum

At U.S. universities, students are given a great deal of freedom to choose courses and create a personalized curriculum. This allows you to tailor your education to your interests and career goals.

Stages of Admission

There are three application periods at U.S. universities. The early application period is from September 15 to November 31. The earlier a student applies, the better his/her chance of admission due to the small number of applicants.

Standard Admission begins December 1 and runs through February 28 — this is the most competitive due to the high volume of incoming applications.

Rolling Admission lasts almost all year round as seats in the course become available. This is an option for those who have missed previous major deadlines, but there is little chance of getting funding during this period.

Internships and Research Activities

Many U.S. programs emphasize practical skills and experiences that contribute to graduates' job readiness. Students have the opportunity to participate in research projects and work with leading scientists.

Online applications

You can apply to universities online via the university’s website or through the Common App portal, which brings together more than 900 institutions. All documents are uploaded once and sent to all selected universities at once. 

About the Common App